Manufactured tile surface finishes

To most people, tiles come in a prefinished form and once they are installed, there is no reason to add another finish. Whereas this is partly true because you can actually choose to install tiles and leave them as is, that is not the only option one has. It is possible to apply finishes on Mexican tile after installation. There are several different types of tile finishes that can be applied and, in this article, I am going to look at some of them.
Textured finish
Textured finishes are usually imprinted onto the surface of tiles during the molding process. This technique is particularly important for ceramic tiles and it makes it possible to apply any kind of pattern or texture on their surfaces. Introducing texture onto the surface of a tile serves several reasons. For instance, the texture makes the tile more decorative and attractive to the eye. Secondly, the texture usually makes the tile slip resistant so that people won’t slip easily when they step on it. Since textured tiles reduce accidents, they are best installed in places such as bathrooms and kitchens to prevent slips.
Gloss finish
High gloss glaze is usually applied on the surface of the tile before it is fired so that after it is fired, the resultant surface is very shiny and attractive. High gloss tiles are very suitable for walls where people don’t walk. This is because gloss surface often tends to be less slip-resistant. People can easily slip and fall on gloss surfaces. Also, high gloss surfaces also tend to be less resistant to dirt, making it very easy to notice the slightest dirt that forms on their surface. These tiles are also the best when used as Mexican tile backsplash because of the beauty they introduce behind the sink.

Manufactured tile surface finishes
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